The British University in Egypt is offering a new selection of courses available for non-BUE students. Interested applicants can make use of both Library and off-campus access as follows:
For self-renewing and self-reserving please login to your account using your library username & password.
If you forgot them please contact the Circulation Desk.
Work on your Research:
To access all the e-resources off campus you need to click off-campus button on any of the BUE Library Online Databases.
You will have then to login with your BUE username and password. if you have any problem in accessing any database please contact the Enquiry Desk.
If you want to have a workshop on how to use the e-resources please fill this form.
Document Supply:
If you can’t find the article you are looking for in our subscribed databases please fill this [form] then send it to ( [email protected] ) and cc to Mr.Tarek Mehrem ( [email protected] ) We will try to get it for you as soon as possible.
For more details please go to The Document Supply Service page.
Enquiry Desk:
by e-mail: [email protected]
by telephone: 19283 ext.1373
online chat with one of BUE Library staff.
Scroll below for a full list of the new courses offered.
Open Access Database Enabled |
AGRIS (edsagr) |
Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals (AULIMP) (edsaul) |
arXiv (edsarx) |
BC Open Textbook Project (edsbcc) |
Biodiversity Heritage Library (edsbhl) |
BioOne Complete (edsbio) |
British Library EThOS (edsble) |
ChemSpider (edschs) | (edsclt) |
CogPrints (edscog) |
dblp computer science bibliography (edsdbl) |
Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) (edshld) |
DigitalNZ (edsdnz) |
Directory of Open Access Journals (edsdoj) |
E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science) (edseli) |
eScholarship (edssch) |
F1000Research (edsfor) |
Government Printing Office Catalog (edsgpr) |
Hindawi Books (edshdb) |
Index New Zealand (edsinz) | (edsijc) |
JSTOR Journals (edsjsr) |
LUNA Commons (edsluc) |
Milne Open Textbooks (edssun) |
NASA Technical Reports (edsnas) |
OAIster (edsoai) |
OAPEN Library (edsoap) |
Open Research Library (edsors) |
OpenAIRE (edsair) |
Oxfam Policy & Practice (edsoxf) |
NCI (National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health) (edspdq) |
SciTech Connect (edsstc) |
SCOAP3 (edscop) |
Aphasiology Archive (edsupa) |
Archive of European Integration (edsupe) |
Industry Studies Working Papers (edsupi) |
Minority Health Archive (edsuph) |
PhilSci Archive (edsupp) |
USPTO Patent Applications (edspap) |
USPTO Patent Grants (edspgr) |
Aozora Bunko (青空文庫) (edsazb) |
ARCA: Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues (edsbnc) |
BASE (edsbas) |
Base SantéPsy (edsbsp) |
BazTech (edsbzt) | (edscrn) |
Comprehensive Database of Archaeological Site Records in Japan –全国遺跡報告総覧 (edsdaj) |
CyberLeninka (edsclk) |
DEHESA (edsdeh) |
Dialnet (edsdia) |
Digital Library of the Caribbean (edsloc) |
Directory of Open Access Books (edsdob) |
E-Dissertationen der Universität Hamburg (edsehd) |
EU Bookshop (edseub) |
European Union Open Data Portal (edseou) |
Europeana (edseur) |
FRANCIS Archive (edsfra) |
Gallica Bibliothèque numérique (edsgal) |
HBO Kennisbank (edshbo) |
Israel Gerontological Data Center: Bibliographic Database (edsbgd) |
J-STAGE (edsjst) |
Latin American Open Archives Portal (edslao) |
Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents (LAPTOC) (edslap) |
Manuscriptorium Digital Library (edsman) |
Memòria Digital de Catalunya (MDC) (edsmdc) |
National Diet Library Digital Collections – 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション (edsdlc) |
NBU Scholar Electronic Repository (edsnbu) |
Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations (edsndl) |
NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive) (edsnor) |
NUKAT (edsnuk) |
NUMDAM (edsnum) |
OpenStax (edsopx) |
ORBi (edsorb) |
PASCAL Archive (edscal) |
Persée (edsper) |
RACO (Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert) (edsrac) |
RAMBI (edsram) |
RCAAP (edsrca) |
Repositorio Documental Gredos (edsred) |
E-Periodica (edsret) |
SciELO (edssci) |
Shamaa (edsshm) |
SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository (edsgso) |
SveMed+ (edssmd) |
SwePub (edsswe) |
TDX (edstdx) |